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Легенды Таллина: ул. Лай 29. Липовое дело.


Легенды древнего города Таллина. Ревеля. История третья: Улица Лай 29 (Длинная). Липовое дело.

Каждую неделю, по средам, в 8.00, новая легенда, от проекта «Ливонский Орден. XXI век»: http://livland.org

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Один комментарий к “Легенды Таллина: ул. Лай 29. Липовое дело.

  1. White Inner Three-Layer Polyethylene Pipes for Clean Water (Food Grade) in Iraq ElitePipe Factory in Iraq offers the highest quality white inner three-layer polyethylene pipes, specifically designed for clean water and food-grade applications. These pipes are manufactured using advanced technology that ensures the safe transport of drinking water, meeting strict international health and hygiene standards. The unique three-layer design enhances both durability and flexibility, allowing the pipes to withstand internal pressures while ensuring a longer lifespan. With a smooth inner surface that prevents the accumulation of impurities, ElitePipe’s food-grade pipes are ideal for various industries that prioritize safety and cleanliness. ElitePipe Factory, known for its innovation and dedication to quality, has solidified its reputation as one of the best and most reliable pipe manufacturers in Iraq. Whether it’s for municipal projects, private infrastructure, or industrial water systems, ElitePipe’s three-layer polyethylene pipes provide unmatched performance and peace of mind. Explore more about their product offerings at elitepipeiraq.com.

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